Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Personalize a Quilt Label

  1. For a professional finish to your quilts, make a personal label for the back as follows:
    1. Iron heat and bond lite onto fabric.
    2. Cut out squares out with fancy scissors.
    3. Type out info for label in Word on Computer, centering words. I use “Andy” font. I insert some clip art.
    4. Tape cut out label onto computer screen. this works as a light box.
    5. Using micro-tipped ink pen, trace over letters, it looks freehand, but very neat.
    6. Color clip art, if used.
    7. Iron onto quilt back.
    8. I usually do a running embroidery stitch around outside of label for added strength.

1 comment:

PersimonDreams said...

nice instructions! Thanks!